Saturday, March 1, 2008

Eagles and Pansies

This blog is dedicated to promoting heroes. Heroes are Eagles with a capital "E." In the bird kingdom, eagles are the heroes. To call someone an "eagle" is to associate them with being noble, valiant, and courageous. We can learn important lessons from eagles.

To call someone a "pansy" is normally an insult. But then one day I realized something interesting at the Jordan River Temple. The flower beds were planted totally in colorful pansies...and they were flourishing in the snow! They survive all winter long and start blooming early in the spring. That's what you would call "hardy." Pansies endure well. They are growing when all the other flowers have perished. We can learn important lessons from pansies.

Chickens are not eagles. Their purpose is to be your dinner tonight. Although they taste good, to be called a "chicken" is to be called a coward.
A coward is "a person who lacks courage in facing danger, difficulty, opposition, pain, etc.; a timid or easily intimidated person."

This blog is all about the heroes, the eagles, in my life. They inspire me to shift from my chicken-like, cowardly ways. They motivate me to aspire to more nobler realms.

My sweetheart, Tina, is the nomination for Top Eagle in my life. She proved that to us all last year in her struggle with cancer. Anyone who fights cancer or any other affliction for that matter is an eagle. It takes extraordinary courage.

Before surgery, June 2007

Chemo treatment, November 2007

On the rebound on the Heber Creeper in Oct. 2007.

Goochin' it up with Paul, Feb. 11, 2008.

Yep, she's pure Eagle all the way, an inspiration to me and many others as well. She is now slowly rebuilding strength. She is working out at the gym at least 3 times a week.


lAuRa said...

daddo! wow, you sure made up for lost time, this is a buttkicker of a post! I totally agree with you about mom. she sure showed a great example to me with incredible faith and love to the Lord. I will forever be touched by this experience. You're just as awesome dad, you are an amazing person, and I've always counted myself blessed having you as my dad, mentor, and friend! Keep the posts comin! k =)

Tim Harper said...

Insightful and moving! I agree, the way Tina has dealt with the cards dealt has been a prime example to me of gratitude and staying positive. I'm deeply greatful to have you as in-laws!

Jenny said...

You two are some of the most celestial people I've met...You soar through trials with a smile in your face and ever enduring faith, even when I know you're suffering. What great examples you are to so many! Tina, you are a rock, so steadfast and immovable, how I love you!